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please how can we define an outer join (i.e. LEFT join) when design a BM?


Environment Knowage 7.4
asked Aug 31, 2021 in Business Model by carmy63 (240 points) | 1 view

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Hi carmy63,

During the creation of the BM it is necessary to set the cardinality to 0 to N in the relationships between the fields of the tables https://knowage-suite.readthedocs.io/en/7.4/functionalities-guide/meta-web/index.html?highlight%20=affari#crea-una-nuova-relazione

After generating the model, go to MyWorkspace, select the model you created and add the fields involved in the relationship. Using the three-dot menu at the top right of the page, you can access the "join definitions" dialog where you can select the type by choosing between INSIDE, LEFT or RIGHT.


answered Sep 2, 2021 by albnale (6,760 points)
selected Sep 6, 2021 by redjaw
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