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Hi there, I'm getting the following message at the end of the installation (Patching files ...): "Unable to configure application server (Ant execution)". Does anyone know how to solve it?


- Windows 10 Entreprise Edition

- Knowage version 7.4.3

- JDK 1.8

- MySQL 5.7

- I run the installer as administrator

Environment 7.4.3, Windows 10 Enterprise Edition, Tomcat 8, Google Chrome
asked May 24, 2021 in Installer by Ven6 (140 points) | 1 view

1 Answer

0 votes

Ie tested the 7.4.4 installer and it works fine, can you try to use it ?

Best Regards

answered May 27, 2021 by abernabei (20,700 points)
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