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Ho i can knowes BIOBJ_ID at LOV script?

I need a script with which I can get the id of the report and can use it in the future
Environment 7.1
asked Apr 6, 2021 in Analytical Driver by DimaNykodiuk (330 points) | 1 view

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi DimaNykodiuk,

you can query the Knowage metadata DB with the following query:

SELECT BIOBJ_ID FROM knowage.sbi_objects WHERE label = "your_document_label";

Hope this helps,

answered Apr 7, 2021 by mbalestri (9,250 points)
selected Jun 14, 2021 by emarchis
But I need a script that will automatically, when loading a bireport report, find out the id of this report. For example, groovy can get user profile attributes, but this does not work with reports.

unfortunately at the moment I don't think it is possible to dinamically load report ids by using groovy scripts, you can only get some entities like profile attributes, but not report ids.

This is because a LOV is an object that lives outside documents, therefore it cannot be bound to document ids.

Thank you! )
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