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I'm struggling on the treemap chart to modify the label. On every tuto I see, the label displayed is like this : "category_name : serie_value". When I create a treemap, the label is always displaying the category_name only.

How can I configure this ?

Thanks for your help.
Environment Knowage 7.2.13 CE, installed on linux, used with Chrome
asked Feb 1, 2021 in Charting by stevevg (120 points) | 1 view

1 Answer

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Dear stevevg,

to solve the problem you can go in the Advanced tab of the chart widget. Here you have to follow this path: chart -> values -> serie -> 0 -> showAbsValue. If you check the option "showAbsValue" in this section you will see the serie value displayed.

I hope you find this information useful, but if you were looking for something different, please answer again!
answered Feb 8, 2021 by ifassi (3,580 points)

Unfortunately, I think that the advanced tab on chart widget is only available in the enterprise edition of Knowage. The community edition 7.2 has removed those options.
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