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I'm using Knowage 7.2 and i haven't managed to find where is the GIS Designer. I'm trying to build a Location Intelligence document, but i cannot find the GIS Designer or equivalent as it's stated in the docs. Am I missing any point??
Thank you very much!!!
Environment Knowage 7.2, Ubuntu Server, Tomcat, Chrome Browser
asked Aug 26, 2020 in Location Intelligence by colonese (1,470 points) | 1 view

Hi, you can open the GIS designer interface as follows.

1 Answer

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Hi Balestri,

Thank you very much for your response. The screenshot you've posted is the same we can see at the documentation, but the menu item "Geo-referenced analysis" was not showing up for me.
But I finally found out the reason: In Menu >> Roles Management I had to check the item as stated below

Thank you once again!!


answered Aug 27, 2020 by colonese (1,470 points)
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