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Hi, everyone

I'm using Knowage ce 7.1 and on progress to create SVG viewer document with my svg map.

I've passed the manual in detail and tried the template xml to create SVG viewer document, but failed every time.

I've faced following 2 issues when trying to change the template.

"An error occoured loading SVG: [An unpredicted error occurred while executing service. The root cause of the error is: java.lang.NullPointerException] it.eng.spagobi.utilities.exceptions.SpagoBIRuntimeException: Impossible to parse template"

"An error occoured loading SVG: [null] null"

I hope to someone provide me excellent template xml example so that I can refer it.

Additionally, help me to figure out the solution to fix the above 2 errors.

Thank you.
Environment Knowage CE 7.1, Windows 7 64bit, Tomcat, Google chrome
asked Apr 16, 2020 in Location Intelligence by charlespiao (220 points) | 1 view

Hi charlespiao,

In the official documentation you can find useful explanations on how to deal with SVG and templates. There are also some simple examples of xml templates configurations.
Try the following link: https://knowage-suite.readthedocs.io/en/7.1/functionalities-guide/svg-document-visualization/index.html#template-building


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