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I have a chart, where I use a parameter to filter data. The parameter names are in spanish, some with special characters. These ones make the report break. I see this message.

This is my parameter

This is the message i get 

And this happens in the log file

[http-bio-8080-exec-8] 28 feb 2019 15:17:52,806 ERROR it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.handlers.DocumentUrlManager.getValidationErrorsOnValuesByLovResult:584 - Parameter 'PlanPresupuestal' cannot assume value 'GESTI�N ESTRAT�GICA 2018' for user 'biadmin' with role 'admin'.

How can i solve this problem?

Data base is allready configures to work like this with other software. I use MySQL

Environment Knowage 6.3.1., Windows, Tomcat9.0.16, Chrome
asked Mar 7, 2019 in Charting by juanrodriguez (120 points) | 1 view

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