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The Server Manager (home) page of my Knowage 6.1 server does not have the same tools as shown in the CE documentation (Page 102 of the English version).  For example, there is no "Server Manager" sub menu.

Are these menus and tools supposed to be available in the CE version or did you use an image from the enterprise version in the CE documentation?

The only "problem" that might explain this that I could see might be some "INFO" level log messages on start up.

Feb 03, 2018 2:54:20 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader validateJarFile
INFO: validateJarFile(/opt/app/workload/Knowage_6_1_1_CE/Knowage-Server-CE/webapps/knowagejasperreportengine/WEB-INF/lib/jsp-api-2.1.jar) - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 3.0, section 10.7.2. Offending class: javax/el/Expression.class

Thank you.
Environment Knowage 6.1.0 CE, RHEL 6.8, Tomcat 7 (included in package)
asked Feb 3, 2018 in Admin and Developer Functionalities by mpp4manu (430 points) | 1 view

1 Answer

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Yes, you are right.

Some of the features, such us the ones under the Server Manager submenu, are available only in the Enterprise Edition.

We will review the documentation of Knowage CE to correct such wrong images.

If you want to know more on Community vs Enterprise, please go to https://www.knowage-suite.com/site/licensing/editions-comparison/

answered Feb 4, 2018 by aportosa (15,180 points)
I've read the comparison already and you'll see a second question from me regarding other things I didn't find in the CE edition.

I realize that this is free software, that it belongs to you, and that I have no right to ask anything more of you.  However, I work in an extremely large company (350,000+ employees) and for Knowage to have any chance of establishing any presence there, let alone the use of the Enterprise version, I need help figuring some things out.

Thank you for the response.
We will be happy to answer to any other questions you have. We are always happy about advices and get feedback from the users, thats's why we also put in place this Q&A service and we switched to Github as repository.

We are more open than ever in terms of contribution and listening customer's needs.

Hey mpp4manu ! I'm available to talk more about CE and EE features if you want. Please reach me at knowage@eng.it whenever you want. We can set up a call to do faster things.


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