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So, I successfully installed Knowage 6.1.1 on Windows Server 2012 R2. The problem now is that if I log out of the server everything stops. Can someone helps me how to make Knowage to stay online without the need someone to be logged on the server?
Environment Knowage - 6.1.1 // Windows Server 2012 R2 // IE 11, Chrome, Edge
asked Dec 27, 2017 in General Configuration by plamenshopov (220 points) | 1 view
hello Plamen,

did you manage to run Knowage as a service?

Did you find any solution for this issue.

Best Regards

This are my quick notes to this topic when I was implementing it and it worked really well. Hope that helps:

some basic info I read to understand the point. Itis little old but basics are same. I did not implement it exactly that way but very similar: https://plavc.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/tomcat-service-on-windows/
Tomcat downloads: http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/

- check your tomcat ver: catalina.bat version
- download tomcatX.exe, tomcatXw.exe, service.bat as per your version and save to your KE installation folder
- rename tomcatXw.exe to Knowage_CEw.exe (Knowage_CE will be your service name so you can name it else if you wish)
- stop Knowage if running

- run Knowage_CEw.exe
- configure run as, initial memory, heap as per your requirements (e.g: -Xms4096m Xmx4096m  (max 2M pre x32 bit, start at 3-4G pre x64 bit)
- I also used to add to options -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 and -XX:MaxPermSize=512m since it was necessary for my instance

- configure auto (delayed) startup for Knowage_CE
- configure auto (delayed) startup for MySQL57
- add dependency on MySQL - sc config knowage_ce depend= Afd/Tcpip/MySQL57

Your comment was very helpful, it's working.

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards

1 Answer

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You have to configure Tomcat as a Windows Service.


Best Regards

answered Dec 27, 2017 by abernabei (20,700 points)
Dear Angelo,

Happy New Year!

Please advice me how to make Tomcat running as a service, because following the link that you provided, I`m not able to find Tomcat7.exe in order to run service.bat as described in the link

Your help is much appreciated!
I continue to try to fix this but with no luck - I downloaded Tomcat 7 and use Tomcat7.exe and the service.bat script as is describes in the how-to section on Tomcat site. It ends in broken service and complete re-install of Knowage.

Please help me with advice how to set this as service, because it is described for Tomcat stand-alone installation, not for Knowage type of it.
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